A Place to Live





Useful information

Getting to and from Grantown-on-Spey is simple by car, just 20 minutes from Aviemore, 35 minutes from Inverness, 2.5 hours from Edinburgh and 3 hours from Glasgow.

If you prefer to use public transport, you can either take a bus from Inverness or catch the train to Aviemore and then connect onto a bus to Grantown.

Train times can be checked on Scotrail and Stagecoach operates the bus service. Some of these services only operate on schooldays and in school terms, so it is important to check the current timetable before planning a trip.

Residents of the town benefit from the activities of a number of community groups, and are able to access services provided by The Highland Council online, by phone or in person at the Highland Council Service Point in the square.

One of the key questions for people planning to move to the area is housing: see further information on housing in the area here.